How To Play

Fantasy Leagues

Fantasy Leagues

Performance League:
    1. Create or join a fantasy league*.
    2. Use your allowance to place predictions the league’s selected auctions and vehicles.
    3. Compete against the rest of the league, and the player with the largest ending balance wins!
*You will need to purchase Fantasy Dollars in order to join a league.

Draft League:
    1. Create or join a fantasy league*.
    2. Create your team of vehicles, just make sure you stay under the salary cap.
    3. The player whose team scores the most points, wins!
*You will need to purchase Fantasy Dollars in order to join a league.

There are 2 types of leagues available - Performance Leagues and Draft Leagues.

Fantasy leagues are a great way to compete against your friends, or test your skills against other fellow classic car enthusiasts. Leagues can be either private or public, and you are able to create your own, accept a personal invitation from a friend, or search for an open league of your choice. You must use Fantasy Dollars to play in leagues - no Free Coins can be used.

If you create a league, you will become the league manager. As league manager, the first step is selecting the type of league you wish to create, Performance League or Draft League. Below is information on both of these options.

Performance League:

The Performance League is based on individual player performance and how the size and quantity of their wins compare to others in the league based on the parameters set by the league manager. They are given a set amount of league currency (amount determined by league manager) and the player with the largest ending balance at the conclusion of the league wins. The winner of the league will be awarded the combined Fantasy Dollar total of all league entry fees.

Creating a Performance League is easy. Just follow these simple steps:
    1. Select the type of league you wish to create (Draft League or Performance League)
    2. Create your league name
    3. Select the number of players you wish to have (5-15)
    4. Enter Fantasy Dollar entry fee (minimum 50)
    5. Determine each player's allowance (the amount the players in your league will be able to spend during the season)
    6. Select whether your league will be private or public
    7. Choose the date(s)/duration of your “season”
    8. Select specific vehicles and/or auctions included in your league
    9. Select the users you wish to invite to join your league (optional)
To join a league, you can either accept a league invitation from a league manager, or search and browse public leagues. You will need to have enough Fantasy Dollars in your account to pay the required entry fee for the league you wish to join.

Draft League:

The Draft League is based on players selecting a set number of vehicles from select auctions (chosen by league manger), and the performance of their chosen vehicles compared to the vehicle “teams” of the other players in the league. Each vehicle will have a designated Fantasy League Value, and players will have a budget, which is set by the league manager. Players can fill up their roster with any available vehicles, however they must wait their turn in the draft and stay within their budget.

Creating a Draft League is easy. Just follow these simple steps:
    1. Select the type of league you wish to create (Draft League or Performance League)
    2. Create your league name
    3. Select the number of players you wish to have (5-15)
    4. Enter Fantasy Dollar entry fee (minimum 50)
    5. Determine the salary cap for each player (how much they’re able to spend)
    6. Select whether your league will be private or public
    7. Enter the date(s)/duration of your “season”
    8. Choose when you would like to hold your draft (date and time)
    9. Select specific vehicles and/or auctions included in your league
    10. Choose the number of vehicles on each player’s “team”
    11. Select the users you wish to invite to join your league (optional)
To join a league, you can either accept a league invitation from a league manager, or search and browse public leagues. You will need to have enough Fantasy Dollars in your account to pay the required entry fee for the league you wish to join.